Whenever a user clicks ‘Request to match’ or ‘Maybe later’ on an Artist or Venue from the search screen, that profile will disappear. Clicking ‘Maybe later’ will remove that profile from any search screens for a minimum of two months. Whenever a user clicks ‘Request to match’ to indicate interest in another user (Artist or Venue), the user on the receiving end is notified of the request. The receiving user then has the opportunity to either reciprocate the interest or dismiss the request. If a request is dismissed from the match notification page, both users will not see each other’s profiles in any search screens for a minimum of two months. Reciprocating interest will initiate negotiations for the booking process.

Users are never notified if another user has dismissed their match request, or clicked ‘Maybe later’ on their profile in a search page. Notifications are only ever sent to indicate a user’s interest. Users are not able to monitor if another user has viewed or responded to a match request. Users are not able to view a collective list of profiles liked/disliked. 

Side Door believes in creating an accessible and fair platform free of restrictive gatekeeping or obstacles to entry, but also values the privacy and agency of its users. We empower our users to be able to make their own decisions on their own time by equipping them with as much useful information as possible, delivered in a platform that keeps users notified without overwhelming them.