Shows can come together as quickly as the Host and Performer determine, but ideally all details in the online booking contract are finalized between both parties within 7 days, and ready for public announcement at least 3 months in advance of the show date. Once a Performer and Host have ‘matched’ in the Side Door system (see article on matching here), a show offer contract is automatically produced to outline the details of the show, and all parties can edit and sign off on the show details (ticket price, start time, equipment needs, etc). Both parties will have editing access to the contract. It is recommended that details be reviewed and approved by all parties within 1 week (7 days) of initial show offer. Side Door recommends announcing shows 3 months before the show date, but you can announce sooner if you wish. Moreover, an ‘industry standard’ suggested timeline for finalizing a show/tour is also at least 3 months ahead of time, allowing all parties to have ample time to prepare, promote, and in the case of a tour, for the Performer to schedule other performances along the way. The sooner you reach out to a Host/Performer , the more likely they are to be available. All that said, there is technically no time limit on booking a show.